MCD — Simon Kucher: Competitive Market Simulation Game – Volume or profit, or both?

Smart compe­ti­tors are few and far between. Some are driven by market share and sales volume pressure, leading to price wars. Others rely exclu­si­vely on cost leader­ship and ignore the compe­ti­tion to focus on quality and diffe­ren­tiated products/services. In many cases, this damages margins, and the profi­ta­bi­lity of the entire market suffers.

In this workshop, you will experi­ence for yourself the diffe­rence between smart and short-sighted compe­ti­tive behavior by taking part in an exciting simula­tion game. In small teams and over the course of multiple rounds, you will endeavor to lead your own company to success ahead of the compe­ti­tion. As an entre­pre­neur, you will need to prove you can make decis­ions and negotiate with skill and foresight. Assisted by Simon-Kucher experts, each group will develop its own strategy. Finally, we will come together to discuss the outcomes and impli­ca­tions for your company.

The game simulates the “prisoners’ dilemma” in a compe­ti­tive setting: How do I act intel­li­gently when I don’t know what the compe­ti­tion is going to do? What risks can I take? Can I elimi­nate my compe­ti­tors? How can both compe­ti­tors win? How does my strategy change when costs or storage capaci­ties change; when the board sets new targets; or when new commu­ni­ca­tion oppor­tu­ni­ties arise? 

In a short intro­duc­tion, we will provide you with detailed insights into the prisoners’ dilemma, compe­ti­tive strategy, and pricing, fully equip­ping you with the theory you need for the case study. 

You can apply for a workshop place using the follo­wing form. We will contact you as soon as possible after the appli­ca­tion phase. The appli­ca­tion phase runs until 13.03.2023 23:59.


31 März 2023




Radisson Blu Mannheim
Q7 27, 68161 Mannheim


exceed Mannheim
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